
TA TI HSING keeps close tabs on quality inspection and tests. High-quality equipment is presented perfectly.


Customer came to the factory of TA TI HSING to inspect the "Automatic tofu continuous presser" this time. Perfect mechanical structure and electrical materials are in line with CE certification. TA TI HSING tailor-made the automatic carrier and pneumatic conveying equipment according to the needs of customers, carefully observed and understood the needs, solved problem, and made customers feel humanized and convenient.


Automation is a trend, which can solve the shortage of manpower and reduce the time of manual operation without manual operation, so as to make full use of resources to reduce costs, improve product quality and production efficiency.

All along, we have been constantly improving whatever we do to make the best better; focusing on research and development, manufacturing advanced fully automated equipment, improving quality and output, and being able to solve customers' intractable problems in the manufacturing process. We hope to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture of tofu through soybean machinery and equipment.