
High-quality soy vegetable protein reduced sugar healthier

Most of Taiwan’s soybeans are obtained from imports, including the United States, Brazil, Canada, Argentina and other countries. The largest source of soybeans is from the United States. In 108, Taiwan’s imports from the United States accounted for about 70% of the total imports. Compared with other developing countries, the United States is currently the only country that uses "sustainable production" to grow soybeans on a large scale. Through sustainable farming, it not only reduces the loss of nature from farming, but also produces many high-quality soybeans.



Soybeans are very special. They contain 30~35 % carbohydrates and 35~40 % protein. They can simultaneously supplement the 3 major nutrients of carbohydrates, protein and multi-unsaturated vegetable oils . Each 100 grams of soybeans also contains 14.5 grams of dietary fiber. The feeling of satiety is quite rich in nutrition.


After being boiled into soy milk and processed into soy products, because the bean dregs are filtered, the carbohydrates and dietary fiber are less, and the calories are mainly protein and fat . Tofu, tofu, etc., are added with calcium sulfate to help solidify and shape during the manufacturing process. Therefore, it is also rich in calcium nutrition.


Compared with animal protein, plant-based soy protein has no cholesterol and lower saturated fat. Increased intake puts less burden on the body. It is a great source of protein during the sugar reduction period.


In addition, soy beans soak by way of soy isoflavones may increase the release, the amount of added help relieve the discomfort of menopause , studies have found that, lecithin and soy contain saponin helps fat metabolism, soybeans The phytosterols and linoleic acid can help lower cholesterol. It is no exaggeration to list nutrient-rich foods as protein foods!


Finished by Guo Gengru
