
Among natural foods, soybeans are rich in nutrients and plant-based protein, and can be made into various processed products. However, many people wonder whether the nutritional value of soybean milk, tofu, and tofu is lost. The Food and Drug Administration stated that eating soy directly raw may cause indigestion, but general processed soy products will go through sufficient heating steps, which will indeed destroy the nutrients in them, but also relatively increase the body's intake of protein.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, soybeans contain "trypsin inhibitor". Trypsin is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas. It can assist in protein breakdown in the intestine and has the effect of inhibiting trypsin. It is used in the process of making soybean processed products. In the process, the trypsin inhibitor is denatured by heat due to the heating process, so the effect of inhibiting trypsin is lost.



In fact, protein will change its chemical structure when it encounters acid, alkali, heating, heavy metals and other environments. Processed beans are made by using this characteristic. The most obvious thing is that it will change its solubility and reduce activity. For example, , Adding white vinegar to salty soy milk, after the environment becomes sour, the protein in the soy milk will be denatured, and the white debris that emerges is protein.


Soy milk, which often appears in breakfast, is a liquid product obtained by washing, breaking, filtering, and cooking soybeans. The solid part left by the filtration is bean dregs. With soy milk, most bean products can be completed. Okara contains a lot of fiber, and it can also be made into vegetarian meat, vegetarian balls, or fried into vegetarian floss.



The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the traditional method of making tofu is mainly to use plaster to lighten the tofu, pour the unclumped tofu flowers into a wooden frame padded with gauze, pressurize and squeeze the slurry into the shape, and drain the water during the production process. The amount of portion will affect the moisture content of the tofu. The longer the pressure and the heavier the weight, the harder the finished tofu will be. For example, in traditional markets, you can see "Plate Tofu" with a tofu box with a grid on it. It is shaped into the shape of the bottom of the wooden frame.

The production of dried tofu continues the traditional tofu manufacturing process. After the tofu is cut into pieces, pressurized and drained again to complete the "white dried tofu" that is generally uncolored. Dried white bean curd is generally prone to spoilage because it is rich in protein and water, and it is not easy to store. Put the white bean curd into Tangwu (cooked and charred maltose) and boil it for coloring, which can reduce the moisture and prolong the storage time.It is the brown bean curd that you see everyday.

Beans are an excellent source of protein, and about 36% of soybeans are protein, and the other contains 33% carbohydrates and 16% fat. If you want to get protein from soybeans, the intake rate of eating soybeans directly is relatively low. It is a processed bean product. Due to protein denaturation, it can help the human body increase protein intake. This is also one of the magical aspects of food processing.


